We take our cues from nature and human ingenuity to go beyond ‘clean’, creating natural skin care products that support the overall health of the skin, slow the appearance of aging, and nurture the vitality of the person within. Each skincare product has a dual formulation focus: deliver nutrient-dense botanicals and empower the skin with sustainable biomimetics. This focus sets the bar high when it comes to ingredient sourcing, which is why we like to describe our approach as research-driven. We sort through volumes of clinical data for performance criteria and countless ingredient sources both domestically and internationally to feed our rigorous research and development process with a team of cosmetic chemists, a herbalist, and an environmental health researcher. We keep our eye firmly on planet-positive growth, which means that sustainability is a priority for us and a future-forward lens that we constantly look through when it comes to our supply chain. We begin by selecting both organic and natural ingredients as a conscious choice to invest in the incredible multi-factorial benefits of regenerative farming. Regenerative farming, whether organic or natural, renders the superb quality of our botanical ingredients and contributes to the vital microbial biodiversity of the soil. We also select our botanical sources based on the supply of freshly harvested batches, which also affects the ingredient quality. We then move into the selection of our potent synthetic ingredients which act as biomimetics, or ingredients that mimic a natural chemical response on the skin, as a meaningful way to deliver high-function actives that also reduce our overall carbon footprint. Out of this research process, our development team begins to chemically structure our selected ingredients around the concept of synergy, meaning that our ingredients work harder for the skin when paired together in carefully calibrated amounts. Working with ingredient synergy means we have to analyze nutrient co-factors, antioxidant networks, and chemical conversions to ensure that our formulas are truly supporting the health of the skin and slowing the aging process over time.



维生素 C,您的皮肤所遇到的最强大的抗氧化剂

维生素 C 是人类最重要的营养素之一,这对任何人来说都不是什么新闻。更具体地说,对于皮肤而言,维生素 C 是最丰富的抗氧化剂,对皮肤健康极其重要,尤其是在延缓衰老方面。不幸的是,由于缺少一种特定的酶,人类无法合成维生素 C,这就是为什么我们需要确保通过食物摄入足够的维生素 C。但棘手的地方在于:事实证明,通过食物或补充剂口服维生素 C 时,维生素 C 缺乏生物利用度和皮肤活性,这让我们唯一的...

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维生素 C,您的皮肤所遇到的最强大的抗氧化剂


阿罗哈芦荟 芦荟不仅具有深层补水和保湿的功效,而且还有助于愈合,具有温和的去角质作用,促进胶原蛋白的产生,并且可以深入渗透到表皮的细胞水平。为了使这种多汁的叶子更加圆润,芦荟还可以软化坚韧的皮肤,抑制热量,减少发红的现象,并具有抗炎、镇痛和防腐的特性。 芦荟是我们许多产品的基础,包括我们最畅销的每日酸性爽肤水,这并非巧合。它在现代得到了广泛的研究,尽管它在药用和美容方面的用途可以追溯到...

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绿茶提取物被证明有效 有大量证据和研究表明绿茶作为抗氧化剂和治疗植物在护肤和整体健康方面的益处和功效。 绿茶是一种植物提取物,也称为 Camellia Sinensis,在亚洲饮用和药用已有 4,000 多年的历史。绿茶富含一种有效的植物多酚,即“儿茶素”,特别是“ECGC”,无论是口服还是外用,都已被证明对皮肤具有显着的抗氧化、化学预防、免疫调节和抗炎作用。 ECGC 特别影响细胞增殖和修...

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