Our natural hair care product line is founded on a simple fact: caring for the hair means caring for the scalp. Over the course of a decade working hands on with thousands of clients, Josh Rosebrook learned as a hair stylist how significant scalp health is to overall hair health. By working closely with clients, including several celebrities, Josh developed an essential criteria index of customer needs when it come to all natural hair products: ingredient innovation and performance was key. Josh envisioned hair care products that would first and foremost stimulate, nourish and protect the scalp. Following this formula focus, Josh worked with a dynamic team of cosmetics chemists, herbalist and researches to create a botanical phytonutrient infusion that would sit at the core of each product, including all natural shampoo, natural conditioner and natural styling products. Our signature scalp and hair infusion represents a botanical bounty of over twenty dense nutrient herbs that work to help facilitate hair growth by activating the hair follicle, meaning stimulating and increasing circulation, which in turn supports nourishment of the hair cells and helps protect scalp function. By restoring healthy scalp function, sebaceous glands on the scalp are given the chance to re-calibrate and balance crucial sebum production based on the unique needs of the person. Josh Rosebrook natural hair care products are formulated to protect the hair and scalp against stressors from the environment, styling, and damage from chemical processing. Damage to the hair occurs when the environmental stressors, styling, coloring and other treatments cause the hair follicle to raise, lower and chip, resulting in the appearance of unhealthy hair. Hair care products are meant to protect, replenish, and retain healthy oil levels in hair to prevent it from splitting and breaking. Josh Rosebrook natural hair products contain specific ingredients and oils to help protect the scalp acid mantle.



纹理头发 101:它需要什么、如何护理等等

谈到质感护发,没有一种方法适合所有人。密度、孔隙率和卷曲程度的多样性都在决定纹理头发的需求及其原因方面发挥着重要作用。纹理头发是一个术语,描述任何具有特定形状或卷曲图案的发丝(而不是与白种人遗传相关的直而细的发丝)。 “纹理头发”最常与黑色天然头发联系在一起,这个术语涵盖了任何具有卷曲、卷曲、卷曲或波浪性质的头发。 由于纹理头发的自然卷曲特性,它更容易缠结和打结。这也会使头发更难保持水分。...

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纹理头发 101:它需要什么、如何护理等等


护发求救 头发作为一束角化蛋白,从技术上讲不是活组织,不具备自我愈合或修复的能力。一旦头发因化学处理、热定型或环境因素而受损,这种损伤就无法像活体组织再生那样逆转或“治愈”。 然而,虽然护发产品确实无法修复发丝本身,但它们可以帮助改善受损头发的外观、易梳理性和整体健康状况。许多护发产品,例如油、护发素和护发素,都是通过为发干提供水分、营养和保护来发挥作用的。这些产品可以帮助减少毛躁,...

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对于许多人来说,准确识别他们正在经历的特定头皮问题可能具有挑战性。不同的头皮状况可能有相似的症状,使得自我诊断和有效治疗变得困难。了解具体的头皮状况至关重要,因为每种头皮状况都需要不同的治疗方法。强烈建议去看皮肤科医生,以帮助诊断,以区分头皮屑、头皮牛皮癣、脂溢性皮炎、头皮湿疹、头皮感染等疾病。 与此同时,一般的头发和头皮护理习惯,如使用温和且不含硫酸盐的洗发水、避免过度热定型以及...

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